
Oasis Workflow v3.4, Two New Add-ons, Custom Capabilities and more

Posted at 8:54 am on Dec 13, 2015

We are excited to release v3.4 version of Oasis Workflow Pro. This release takes advantage of WordPress Capabilities API by adding new custom capabilities for managing your editorial workflow actions.

You can read more about Oasis Workflow custom capabilities here –

We also added two new add-ons with this release.

Oasis Workflow Front End Actions Add-on

The long awaited “Oasis Workflow Front End Actions” add-on is finally out.
This add-on provides a way to display Workflow Actions on the front end of your website.
It currently support two shortcodes.

[ow-workflow-inbox] – to display workflow inbox on the front end.

[ow-make-revision-link] – to display make revision button on the front end.

Read more about this add-on here –

Oasis Workflow ACF Compare add-on

If you have been using Oasis Workflow revision feature, I’m sure you must have also used our  “Compare With Original” tool. A lot of our clients also useAdvanced Custom Fields plugin to work with custom fields. This add-on adds the capability to compare ACF custom fields between the published article and it’s revision.

Read more about this add-on here –

Other significant changes added to Oasis Workflow Pro v3.4 are as follows:

  • Now that we are using custom capabilities, we have removed all role based settings and those will now be controlled using custom capabilities.
  • We added “Make Revision” overlay to prevent users from accidentally updating published version and then realizing they need to first revise and then make changes. The overlay message is configurable.
  • Fixed issue with comments showing up twice in email.
  • Revision Compare will also show the taxonomy compare.

Installing the Update

Oasis Workflow Pro v3.4 can be installed from inside your WordPress admin by going to the Installed Plugins page under your Plugins menu.

We suggest all users update to this release as soon as possible, just as we always recommend users update WordPress and WordPress Plugins when new versions are available.

If your license is expired and you wish to renew your license, simply click the link in your license renewal email and follow the instructions. Renewals are discounted at 40% from the plugin price.

Written by Ravi Ajmera
Ravi Ajmera is the founder and lead developer of Oasis Workflow plugin. Ravi takes pride in developing integrated workflow solutions to make content publishing process transparent and easy. When not writing code, he can often be found playing tennis or working in his backyard.