Oasis Workflow ACF Compare
If you have been using the Oasis Workflow revision feature, I’m sure you must have also used our “Revision Compare” tool. This tool gives you a side-by-side comparison for the post content between the revised and the published article.
However, for users who are using Advanced Custom Fields plugin, Oasis Workflow Revision compare tool doesn’t provide any information on the custom fields.
This add-on specifically targets ACF comparison for custom fields. The compare tool works for the following ACF fields:
- Text
- Text Area
- Number
- Url
- Image
- File
- Gallery
- Select
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- True/False
- Post Object
- User
- Datepicker
- Date/Time picker
- Time picker
- Color picker
- WYSIWYG editor
- Repeater
- Flexible Fields