
All Inclusive Add-ons package

Get all Oasis Workflow add-ons at a discounted price with this All Inclusive Add-ons Package. It’s savings of around 15%.

The package includes all the add-ons that allow you to do things like:

  • Contextual comments and adds a new widget called “Editorial Comments” which will display the sign-off as well as the contextual comments from within the post page.
  • Editorial Calendar allows you to slice and dice your editorial workflow data in multiple different ways.
  • Editorial Groups will provide efficient and flexible solution for creating user groups and assign these groups to workflow steps.
  • ACF Compare will allow comparing ACF fields between the original and the revision.
  • Editorial Checklist allows you to add actionable checklists into the workflow process.
  • Groups and Teams allows you to manage your teams/content in a more granular way.
  • Front End Add-on, gives you essential short-codes for displaying the Inbox on the front end of your site.

What is included?

The following add-ons are included with the starter package:

  • Editorial Comments Add-on
  • Editorial Calendar Add-on
  • Groups Add-on
  • Teams Add-on
  • Editorial Checklist
  • ACF Compare
  • Front End Actions

What about support and updates?

Support and updates for all add-ons included in this package are given for one year after purchase. If you wish to continue getting support and updates after one year, you can renew your license keys at a discount.

Oasis Workflow Calendar

If you are managing an editorial team, chances are you need a single screen where you can see all the content you and your team is currently working.

The calendar add-on for Oasis Workflow is the add-on you are looking for. It allows you to slice and dice your editorial workflow data in multiple different ways.

  • What’s currently in workflow?
  • What’s currently not in workflow? – This allows you for forward planning and see what should go through the editorial workflow.
  • What’s scheduled and ready to be published? – This provides your a birds-eye view of your scheduled posts.
  • What’s the work load on a specific user?
  • What articles are currently being worked on a given day/week/month?
  • What are the critical articles that are being worked on? – The color coding allows you to narrow down your search and focus on the critical articles that should be released soon.

It not only allows you to view your editorial workflow, but you can also update task due dates, post publish dates from the calendar. You can simply drag-and-drop the articles from one date to another to update the publish dates.

You can abort workflows OR if you wish to edit a post, you can do so with a click of a button.

We feel this add-on will help you to approach your blog from a more holistic perspective, allowing you to think about your content as a whole.

Starter Add-ons Package

Get the essential Oasis Workflow add-ons at a discounted price with this Starter Add-ons Package. It’s savings of more than 15%.

The starter package includes some of our most popular add-ons that allow you to do things like:

  • Contextual comments and adds a new widget called “Editorial Comments” which will display the sign off as well as the contextual comments from within the post page.
  • Editorial Calendar allows you to slice and dice your editorial workflow data in multiple different ways.
  • Editorial Groups will provide efficient and flexible solution for creating user groups and assign these groups to workflow steps.

What is included?

The following add-ons are included with the starter package:

  • Editorial Comments Add-on
  • Editorial Calendar Add-on
  • Groups Add-on

What about support and updates?

Support and updates for all add-ons included in this package are given for one year after purchase. If you wish to continue getting support and updates after one year, you can renew your license keys at a discount.

Oasis Workflow Groups

Are you looking to assign tasks to a group of users irrespective of their role?

Are you looking for a way to organize your users so that they can work on a specific task in the workflow?

Oasis Workflow Groups Add-on is an efficient, and flexible solution  to create user groups and assign these groups to workflow steps.

Groups add-on is light-weight and offers an easy user interface based on the select2 Javascript library.


  • Supports an unlimited number of groups.
  • Users can be assigned to any group irrespective of their role.
  • Users can be added/removed from the group at any time without affecting the workflow.
  • Once the groups are created, you can pre-assign groups to a specific step in the workflow.

User Groups


Create or Edit User Groups


Pre-assign user groups to workflow steps.


Difference between Teams and Groups:

Teams add-on is geared towards “Workflow Teams” – Example, lets say, you have multiple teams/departments in your company. – Finance Team, HR Team.

All the HR related articles should be authored, reviewed and published by a HR representative.
While all the Finance related articles should be authored, reviewed and published by a Finance person.

So, with Teams, you essentially allow multiple teams to use the same workflow process.

With Groups, since its not dependent on roles, you can create groups with users from any department and form a group.

Let’s say, all the articles in your company are published by a group of publishers. Their role doesn’t matter, nor does it matter which department they belong to.

In that case, the Groups add-on will work best for you.

Oasis Workflow Editorial Comments

Have you ever felt discouraged putting your editorial review comments on a blog article, because you would have to point to specific portions of the blog for your comments to make sense?

Yes, it’s a lot of work and the editorial review comments are unnecessarily fatter because of the context you have to set for the author and other readers.

Do you want your authors/editors to know exactly what the editorial comment is about?

Oasis Workflow Editorial Comments add-on specifically targets contextual and workflow sign off comments.

The “Editorial Comments” Add-on provides the following features:

  • The add-on allows you to select a word or phrase or paragraph and provide comments for the selected text. Envision this to be similar to “add comments” in Microsoft Word. Just like Microsoft Word, you select a text in the post content area and click on the blurb icon – comments-icon or in the Post Editor’s TinyMCE toolbar. This will open up a popup to add contextual comment for the selected text.
  • The contextual comments get attached to the post and are visible right inside the “Edit Post” page allowing the users better control and viewing of editorial comments.
  • The sign off comments will also start appearing in this editorial comments widget allowing the users to view the comments and act on it efficiently.

The add-on is a productivity enhancer and helps for better communication during the review process.

You will need Oasis Workflow Pro v3.2 and higher to work with this add-on.

Add a new Contextual Comment:

Look for a blurb icon comments-icon or on the Post Editor’s TinyMCE. It will show up as the following in Gutenberg editor.

Simply select a text from the content and click on the “blurb” icon – comments-icon or on the Post Editor’s TinyMCE toolbar. A popup will open to allow the users to add contextual comments.

View the Sign off and Contextual comments:

You can view the contextual and sign off comments from the “Inbox” page and/or the “Workflow History” page.

View the Contextual comments just like Microsoft Word comments:

View the Sign off and Contextual comments from inside the “Post Edit” page:

We have added a new widget called “Editorial Comments” which will display the sign off as well as the contextual comments from within the post page.


Expanded view – Editorial Comments


Collapsed view – Editorial Comments

We hope that this new add-on will make the process of exchanging editorial review comments much easier and faster.

Oasis Workflow ACF Compare

If you have been using the Oasis Workflow revision feature, I’m sure you must have also used our “Revision Compare” tool. This tool gives you a side-by-side comparison for the post content between the revised and the published article.

However, for users who are using  Advanced Custom Fields plugin, Oasis Workflow Revision compare tool doesn’t provide any information on the custom fields.

This add-on specifically targets ACF comparison for custom fields. The compare tool works for the following ACF fields:

  • Text
  • Text Area
  • Number
  • Email
  • Url
  • Image
  • File
  • Gallery
  • Select
  • Checkbox
  • Radio button
  • True/False
  • Post Object
  • User
  • Datepicker
  • Date/Time picker
  • Time picker
  • Color picker
  • WYSIWYG editor
  • Repeater
  • Flexible Fields


Oasis Workflow Editorial Checklist

Have you ever felt a need to run an editorial checklist before moving the post to the next step in the workflow?

Editorial Checklist add-on will allow you to define pre-publish OR editorial checklist for your WordPress posts.

The add-on allows you to automate some of the routine tasks in the publishing world like, “make sure the article has 3 tags” OR “make sure the excerpt has at least 30 words“. OR “check if the article has X number of images or links” etc.

Here’s how it works

Step 1 – Create Condition Groups containing multiple conditions. For example,
“Excerpt should have less than 80 words”


“Post should have at least 2 tags”
“Post should have at least 2 images”.


Create Condition Group


Condition Group List Page

Step 2 – Once you have created condition groups, apply it to any step in the workflow.


During Submit to Workflow Or Sign off, the user will not be allowed to complete the task, unless all the conditions are met.


Conditions are checked during Submit to Workflow or Sign off

The add-on provides 3 types of checklists.

Type 1 : Checklist/Conditions applied on the attribute in context. These are applied on post title, post content and/or post excerpt.


  • Post Title contains at least 10 words OR
  • Post Excerpt contains less than 30 words.

Type 2: Checklist/Conditions applied on the containing attribute. These are applied on tags, categories, images and/or links.


  • Posts contains at least 2 images.
  • Pages contains at least 3 links.

Type 3: Checklist/Conditions applied to the article as a whole. These are typically pre-publish checklists which can be applied to any step in the workflow. The users should check the boxes in order to confirm that the checklist was indeed completed.


  • Do You Have a Catchy Title?
  • Is your Focus Keyword in Title, Description, and Post Content?
  • Make sure all external links open in a new window


We hope that this add-on will help you automate your editorial checklist process and free up your time to work on other important stuff.

Oasis Workflow Front End Actions

Oasis Workflow Front End Actions add-on provides a way to display the Workflow Actions on the front end of your website.

It currently allows two shortcodes to be used on the front end.

[ow_workflow_inbox] – to display workflow inbox on the front end. It allows your users to view their inbox and sign off the workflow tasks. As of now it provides functionality limited to “View”, “Sign off” and “Claim” actions.

[ow_make_revision_link] – to display make revision button on the front end. When the user clicks the “Make Revision” button, the plugin makes a revision and takes the user to the “edit” page on the backend.

This functionality is only available to logged in users on your site.

Workflow Inbox From Front End - 1

Workflow Inbox from Front End

Workflow Inbox From Front End - 2

Workflow Inbox from Front End

Sign off popup from Front End

Sign off popup from Front End

Comments from Front End - with Editorial Comments Add-on

Comments popup from Front End

Front End Actions add-on is the easiest way to allow your users to access their editorial workflow actions from the front end of your site.



Oasis Workflow Teams

Are you working with large number of content writers, reviewers and/or publishers? Are you tired of searching from the long list of available users in the workflow assignee list?

Simplify your workflow task assignment process by using the Teams Add-on.

With Oasis Workflow Teams Add-on you create Teams and associate teams to workflows. These Teams are then available in the workflows and instead of assigning tasks to specific users, you simply submit the workflow to a Team.
The plugin will take care of creating assignments for the users in the team that have the same role as defined in the workflow step.

The Teams Add-on has the following features:

  • Create Teams and associate Teams to Workflows.
  • Clean and simple user interface.
  • Supports Custom Roles.
  • Works with Auto Submit.

Watch the following video to see how the “Teams” addon works.

Add a Team:

Create a team and add members to the team. The Teams Add-on is site specific, so in a multi-site installation you will see users available for the specific site.




You can create multiple teams. The Teams page displays the various teams and the various users assigned to the team.

Teams List:


Enable Teams from Settings:

After you have setup your teams, you should enable Teams  addon via Workflows -> Settings, Teams tab. This will display the Teams drop down during Workflow Submit.

Display Teams selection on Workflow Submit:

After you enable the teams, the submit popup will change to show the list of available teams, while the sign off popup will not require any kind of user selection. So instead of assigning tasks to a specific user, you simply submit the workflow to a team.


Difference between Teams and Groups:

Teams add-on is geared towards “Workflow Teams” – Example, lets say, you have multiple teams/departments in your company. – Finance Team, HR Team.

All the HR related articles should be authored, reviewed and published by a HR representative.
While all the Finance related articles should be authored, reviewed and published by a Finance person.

So, with Teams, you essentially allow multiple teams to use the same workflow process.

With Groups, since its not dependent on roles, you can create groups with users from any department and form a group.

Let’s say, all the articles in your company are published by a group of publishers. Their role doesn’t matter, nor does it matter which department they belong to.

In that case, the Groups add-on will work best for you.

The Teams Add-On will provide a better user experience, enhance productivity and help organize the work  by speeding up the submit and sign off process.